About Kinda Bookish

I’ve always felt on the fringes of people, trends, and social etiquette – an observer watching other people be human in brilliant, beautiful, and systematic ways that I could not, and still do not, understand.; perhaps I’m completely normal, but I don’t understand society well enough to know even that. I’ve spent most of my life confused about why people act and converse in the ways that they do – but then there are books full of words that organize the chaos of humanity. I get books.

Hello. My name is Natasha. I’m flat chested, obsessed with healthy food, and I run every morning. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; my husband is not. He was, but he chose to leave and I choose to stay. Interestingly, when Steve abandoned our religion, we learned to love each other better, deeper. Now life is more complicated and beautiful.

We have four darlingly varied children who demonstrate the quickness of time in their growing bodies and maturing souls. Our family of six is a family in a larger family full of humans who make us feel that we belong in this world.

I’m also a library clerk at our local library and—books, all books, help me understand people.  

For me, befriending characters in fiction, glimpsing other’s perspectives in memoirs, and reimagining history and ideas through non-fiction are incredibly exciting ways to grow, connect, and learn.